Marilyn Rose Coaching

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Living a Values Driven Life

"​ Happiness is when what you THINK, what you SAY, and what you DO are in HARMONY."​ ~Mahatma Gandhi

I hope you enjoyed your summer and embracing the transition into fall. (I have to admit, I struggle letting go of summer, truly my favorite season of all).

I have this crazy connection to water...whether I am in it or near to it.

I never quite understood why that connection was so strong until a few years ago, when I deeply connected to my values and emotions in a more meaningful and intentional way. 

Freedom, joy, personal growth, creativity, self-care and spirituality are just a few of my core-values that are honored and ignited when near water. It is the place where all my cares and worries disappear, and I am completely present with myself and Creator. 

It is the place where all things are possible. Where energy is restored and where joy, love and connection fill my soul and surround me.

Your values define the essence of who you truly are and when your happy, you can be certain that you are honoring and aligned with one or more of your values.

When you are sad, upset or fearful, chances are one or more of your values are being threatened to be taken away or not being honored. 

In what ways is who you’re BEING, what you're DOING, and SAYING aligned with who you really are and what truly matters to you?

The busyness of life has a way of distracting us from the things that really matter causing us to settle, in what I call the "land of good enough" which really isn't good enough at all.

When was the last time you checked in with yourself? The last time you took a moment to explore how connected and aligned you are with who you've become and what you're doing?

I've created a simple Values Assessment for anyone interested in gaining a clear perspective on where you are today, so that you can make conscious choices to align yourself with the things that are an expression of your truest self and whats most important to you!

Click here for your FREE VALUES ASSESSMENT.

Would love to hear what you've learned and the insights you've gained.

Make it an amazing day!

Marilyn Rose